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Protecting Your Salon: Explaining The Need For Insurance In A Salon

25 September 2024

Salon owners understand that running a salon can be incredibly rewarding. Most are busy, friendly environments where talented professions can be creative. And they take great satisfaction from leaving customers looking and feeling great.

But, like most businesses, salons are exposed to an array of risks. If something goes wrong, the consequences can be disastrous. It could be anything from unhappy customers and unexpected costs to loss of reputation and even closure.

That is why insurance is so important. For businesses of all shapes and sizes, insurance can step in when the worst happens. It protects businesses and livelihoods from the unexpected. It's crucial to ensure that business equipment is adequately insured against theft, fire, or flood to safeguard the salon's physical assets.

However, insurance is only really effective if it truly protects against all the main risks facing a business, and salons are no different. For instance, it is all too easy to simply take out insurance to protect premises and property in the event of incidents like theft, fire or flood. But that is only part of the picture. Choosing the right insurance company is essential. You need to make sure you have comprehensive coverage that meets all the salon's needs.

In fact, salons face a number of other potentially serious risks too. For example illness, injury or an accident affecting a member of staff or customer. There are specialist risks too, for instance related to the use of chemical treatments. These can result in everything from chemical burns to serious allergic reactions. Salon owners have the option to customise a salon insurance policy to fit specific needs. This ensures that every aspect of their business is protected. Therefore, it is important to obtain the right insurance to help protect you and your business from potential liability claims and the associated costs involved.

To safeguard against those kinds of risks, there some main types of salon insurance liability coverage you may need.

They are:

Employers liability insurance

If you employ people, have volunteers or part-time helpers, this cover is usually a legal requirement and a critical financial safeguard. It is there to protect you and your business in the event a member of staff is injured or falls ill while at work. It can cover legal defence costs, and any compensation claim awarded against you should the affected staff member take legal action against you. Additionally, it includes legal expenses insurance to cover unexpected legal bills.

Public liability insurance

This cover is usually a really important one for salons. It steps in to cover legal fees and compensation if a customer, supplier or member of the public suffers injury or illness while in the salon. Things like slips and trips to allergic reactions and burns.  General liability insurance is a broader option that covers more scenarios. This can include mishaps, lawsuits, and settlement costs.

Products liability insurance

If your salon makes or sells hair or beauty products, this could be an important cover too. Again, it can cover legal costs and compensation claims, this time in the event that a customer is injured or made ill by a product bought from your salon. Professional indemnity insurance and professional liability insurance are also important for protecting against claims related to any services you provide.

Make no mistake, these are very important covers. Without them, accidents or incidents affecting people in the salon, or using your products, could leave you facing significant, and unexpected legal fees, and even a bill for compensation.

Additional, optional covers that you should consider are:

  • Personal accident insurance: to replace lost income in case of injury.
  • Property insurance: for protecting the salon's physical assets. This can include the building, business equipment, and stock.

To find out more or to discuss the finer details of a salon insurance policy just give us a call!

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