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Makeup Artist Insurance

The hair and beauty industry is our speciality, so we are confident our team will understand your insurance needs.

The life of a makeup artist is never routine. Your job entails changing somebody’s appearance, whether it’s enhancing a bride’s natural beauty for her wedding, changing an actor’s image for stage, TV or film, working on a fashion shoot, or cosmetic camouflage. But each of these scenarios carries its own specific risks and challenges, so for your clients’ protection and your reputation, having appropriate business insurance is essential in case the unexpected should happen. 

At smei, we understand the specific risks and challenges faced by makeup artists, and we can arrange a single, flexible insurance policy that can be adapted to fit your specific business requirements.

We're passionate about championing the high street and helping makeup artists across the country. So whether you operate from your own salon, rent a chair or room in a salon, work as a freelancer, or are a mobile makeup artist, we can arrange a business insurance policy to fit your specific requirements.

You Could Save Over 30%*

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Did you know we also arrange cover for general beauty insurance as well as salon insurance? We arrange bespoke packages to suit businesses of all sizes.

Other Types of Business Insurance for Makeup Artists

Tools, equipment, and stock are a key part of a makeup artist’s toolkit, so you may want cover to protect them from theft or damage so you don’t lose valuable income while they’re being replaced.

If you employ staff to help with your business, it may be a legal responsibility to provide employers liability cover to protect them and their belongings.

Your working location forms another key element of your insurance policy, whether you’re working from home, using your vehicle to transport you and your equipment from job to job, or working in a salon or beauty parlour.

Makeup Artists Public Liability Insurance

Regardless of your level of skill and expertise, it only takes an accidental mishap, slip or trip and you could be facing a claim for malpractice or negligence. For makeup artists, this could include a client having an allergic reaction to one of your products, somebody tripping over your kit and injuring themselves, spilt makeup causing damage to a client’s carpet, or a slip with the mascara brush resulting in damage to your client’s eye.

Public liability insurance protects you against a claim from a client, supplier or member of the public, making it a vital element of a makeup artist’s insurance requirements. This could cover the compensation payment as well as associated legal fees.

* Click here to view our pricing disclaimer.

** Standard and optional cover may differ dependent upon insurer.

You Could Save Over 30%*