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2024 United Kingdom Riots – Response Guidance

12 August 2024

Riots have taken place in various parts of England and in Northern Ireland, since 30 July 2024. 

The riots have involved looting, arson, and racist attacks, and have been the worst public disturbance since the 2011 England riots. 

Given the potential for further disturbances, to help you through this challenging time we’ve produced some guidance on claims, policy response, and tips on keeping your people safe.

Read on to learn more.

Can I claim on my insurance for riots?

Any insurance claim will be considered on the merits of the facts, the specific policy(ies), and insurers’ interpretation of your policy(ies).

Policy response will depend upon both individual circumstances and specific policy language. Potential first party policies which could respond include motor, property damage and business interruption, terrorism, political violence, and supply chain insurance.

 The following action plan is for guidance only:

  • In the event of a potential loss, please notify the police and your broker immediately, and if required by your policy, your insurer. This insurance notification needs only to be on a precautionary basis. Check your policies for specific notification requirements or obligations.
  • Ensure you notify all possible policies/insurers. You may have multiple policies that could provide coverage. Please have any policy numbers to hand.
  • Record all potential claim-related costs in as much detail as you can, and keep insurers advised of all business decisions you make that may impact the claim. Take photos, videos (if possible and if safe to do so), and retain all original documentation. Where possible, retain damaged property and/or equipment as it may need to be assessed. If appropriate retain separate accounting codes for ease of cost identification.
  • Equally, document decisions about spend. It is a fundamental principle of insurance that you should act prudently, this means you should make decisions on the costs you incur as if you were not insured and will not be reimbursed. You may be asked at a later date to justify your actions by insurers and/or their representatives.

Riot Compensation Act 2016

If your property is not adequately insured, you might be able claim compensation under the Riot Compensation Act 2016 (RCA) from the local police claims authority.

The RCA gives victims of criminal damage or loss during a riot the right to compensation. It is designed to allow communities to recover quickly from the impact of rioting.

It is important to note if you hold insurance for property that is damaged or stolen in a riot, you must claim via your insurance company first. You can only submit an RCA claim for these items if all or part of your insurance claim is rejected.

There are also strict timescales around notification; You have 42 days to make your RCA claim from the date the riot ends. If you make an insurance claim first, you have 42 days to make your RCA claim from the date your insurer tells you that you are not fully covered.

Ensuring the safety of your staff and the public

  • Provide clear instructions about not travelling to work if it is not safe to do so.
  • Provide clear communication to customers and staff about leaving the premises and providing assistance if required.
  • Ensure that the location and travel plans of all members of staff are known.
  • Make sure there is an open communication channel for staff to gain advice or provide information about changes to their situation.
  • Regularly review the situation with regard to staff safety, taking into account advice from the police and communicate any change of instruction clearly, and in a timely manner.
  • Develop a clear policy around absence from the office.

Protecting your physical assets

  • Before leaving the premises, ensure any business-related information is backed up and taken offsite to ensure a complete set of records is maintained.
  • Ensure premises are secure and the area around the property is clear of potential items that could be used to damage it, including scaffolding poles, pieces of timber, bricks, masonry, and building materials. In particular, no combustible waste materials should be kept outside the premises.

Here to help

At smei, we understand these events can have a significant impact on businesses and communities, and we want to ensure you have the necessary support and resources during this period.

If we can provide any further assistance or guidance, please do not hesitate to call us on 0330 134 4600 or email

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The information contained herein is based on sources we believe reliable and should be understood to be general insurance and risk management information only. The information is not intended to be taken as advice and cannot be relied upon as such. Statements concerning legal, tax or accounting matters should be understood to be general observations based solely on our experience as insurance brokers and risk consultants and should not be relied upon as legal, tax or accounting advice, which we are not authorised to provide.